Monday, September 28, 2009

Pine Spa Shin San (パインスパ新山) Ugo Honjo, Akita

Location: Ugo Honjo (near the Marina), Akita

Entry (入金): 400 yen

Opening hours (営業時間): 9:00 am to 10 p.m

Phone Number (電話番号): 0184-28-1661

Outdoor Area (露天風呂): No

Sauna (サウナ): Yes

Mixed Bathing (混浴) No

Rating: 5/10

The onsen is located near the marina at Ugo honjo which is quite a walk from the station. The signposts are not very clear and we nearly gave up looking for it about 50m from the front door as we felt we had been walking for way more than the indicated 700m from the last signpost.
The onsen is very clean, what it lacks in charm it makes up for by having excellent facilities with both the indoor pools and outdoor rotenburo in superb condition, albeit a bit sterile.
A mostly local clientele although there were a few out of town folk among the bathers.

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